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How to crack academic IELTS Reading and get 8+ band score?

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  • How to crack academic IELTS Reading and get 8+ band score?

The Academic IELTS Reading Exam is designed to test your reading skills and your ability to comprehend academic texts. The exam consists of three sections, and you will be given 60 minutes to complete all three sections. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the best score in the Academic IELTS Reading Exam.

  • Understand the format: Before taking the exam, familiarize yourself with the format of the test. The exam consists of three sections, and you will have to answer 40 questions in total. The first section contains short texts and asks you to answer multiple-choice questions, while the second and third sections contain longer texts and ask you to answer a variety of question types, such as matching, sentence completion, and True/False/Not Given.
  • Skim and scan: Skimming and scanning are two important reading techniques that can save you a lot of time during the exam. Skimming involves quickly reading through the text to get a general idea of what it’s about, while scanning involves looking for specific keywords or phrases. Use these techniques to quickly identify the main ideas and locate the answers to the questions.
  • Read the questions first: Before reading the text, read the questions carefully to understand what information you need to look for. Underline the key words in the questions, such as names, dates, and numbers. This will help you stay focused and understand what to look for during the reading.
  • Pay attention to the instructions: During the exam, pay close attention to the instructions given for each section. This will help you understand the type of information you need to look for and the format of the questions.
  • Use context clues: If you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase, try to use context clues to understand its meaning. Look at the words or sentences around it to see if they can help you figure out what it means.
  • Underline key words: As you read the text, underline key words and phrases that are related to the questions. This will help you find the answers more quickly and efficiently.
  • Pay attention to headings: The headings of the sections and paragraphs can give you a clue about what the text is about. Pay attention to these headings and use them to guide your understanding of the text.
  • Check for synonyms: The exam may use synonyms for the words in the text. Make sure to read the questions carefully and pay attention to the context to ensure you choose the correct answer. The Academic IELTS Reading Exam requires a good understanding of academic vocabulary. Expand your vocabulary by reading academic texts, such as journals and articles. Make a list of new words and try to use them in your practice sessions.
  • Be careful with True/False/Not Given questions: These types of questions can be tricky, as they require you to identify whether a statement is true, false, or not given based on the information in the text. Make sure to read the statement and the corresponding part of the text carefully to ensure you choose the correct answer.
  • Manage your time: You have 60 minutes to complete all three sections of the exam. Make sure to manage your time wisely and allocate enough time for each section.
  • Don’t get stuck on difficult questions: If you come across a difficult question, don’t get stuck on it. Move on to the next question and come back to it later if you have time. Remember, you don’t lose points for incorrect answers, so it’s better to guess than to leave a blank.
  • Practice with past papers: Practice with past papers to get used to the format and the types of questions asked in the exam. This will help you become more comfortable and confident with the exam. During your practice sessions, time yourself to get used to working under the pressure of a time limit. This will help you stay focused and work efficiently during the exam.

To sum up, the Academic IELTS Reading Exam may present difficulties, but by adequately preparing and training, you can enhance your prospects of achieving a favorable score. Apply these strategies and techniques, and ensure to remain composed and concentrated during the exam.  Fly High Consultants is the Best Overseas Education Consultants in Hyderabad. Provides Best IELTS Coaching in Hyderabad with high success rate. For queries about test preparation contact us.

Yespal Veeragoni (Yash)
Overseas Education & Immigration Expert
Founder | CEO
Fly High Consultants Pvt Ltd.


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